About me

Welcome! I am a fifth year PhD candidate specialising in political behaviour at the Australian National University.

My work focuses on using survey experiments and meta-analytic methods to understand why voters in democracies sometimes support or tolerate illiberal and undemocratic politicians, how they might be persuaded to vote pro-democratically, and which democracies are most at risk of democratic decline. I am particularly interested in evaluating the effectiveness of undemocratic informational interventions – telling voters that their preferred politician or party supports illiberal or undemocratic positions – in motivating voters to shift their support towards pro-democratic politicians.

To read more about my work on voter tolerance for undemocratic political behaviour you can access my PsyArXiv preprint “When are Democracies at Risk of Democratic Decline? A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Literature and a Conceptual Replication in the Philippines”. An online seminar hosted by the University of Sydney’s Southeast Asia Centre, where I discuss the Philippines experimental results and implications for their democracy stability, can be found on Youtube.